3 new scientific employees for research in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Together with its partners in the Regional Future Center Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (ZMV), the Chair of Business Information Systems had applied for further funding in December 2020 to strengthen research in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). These funds and the establishment of the so-called "AI Module" have now been approved! Three new employees can thus be hired at the Chair of Business Information Systems; three more at the other project partners in the ZMV. The management of the KI module lies with the Chair of Business Informatics.

The Regional Future Center Mecklenburg-Vorpommern combines research and practice with the aim of supporting and enabling small and medium-sized enterprises in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to identify future-critical needs and to initiate suitable design measures - in terms of personnel, structure and technology. Continuous monitoring of needs forms the basis and reference point. All consulting and support services as well as operational measures for AI testing are geared to this. The project is realized by interlocking research partners of the University of Rostock (business informatics, business education) and the University of Greifswald as well as state-wide practical partners (business associations of the state, Zukunftsmacher-MV, Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft MV). This alliance enables the use of various specialist expertise and cross-industry access to business practice.

The AI module is intended to support SMEs in the participatory introduction of AI-based systems, which should also be carried out together with employees in particular. Knowledge about the mode of action of AI-based systems is to be made available for application in companies. Introduction and application processes are to be designed and the necessary competencies taught. The concept for implementing these content-related goals consists of three central components: organizational structure with integration into the project management, development of a method for AI introduction and application consulting, integration into the established structures and consulting services of the ZMV.

Further information: https://www.zukunftszentrum-mv.de/
