Kick-off event for the MV+ Future Centre

"Setting sail for the working world of the future" was the motto of the kick-off event for the next phase of the MV Centre of the Future. The event took place on 25 April 2023 in Güstrow with about 60 participants on site and as a livestream on the internet. The programme included the following focal points, in which the business information systems team was involved in various roles:

Tourism and sustainability

Sustainability and tourism are closely linked. Sustainability is an intelligent form of future economic activity, which is defined by terms such as circular economy, regenerative and efficient energy, regional and healthy value creation as well as cooperation. In terms of demand, tourism companies will also increasingly need sustainable solutions, as tourists increasingly expect a sustainability component. What can tourism businesses do to contribute to a sustainable future and be successful at the same time?

Internationalisation of the labour market

Finding, retaining and qualifying skilled workers - the issue of skilled workers is more topical than ever. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, too, vacancies cannot be filled with suitable skilled workers. At the same time, however, the proportion of companies employing foreign skilled workers is increasing. Companies play an important role in integration and can make a targeted contribution to securing skilled workers by integrating them into the labour market. In our format, we will talk about the Skilled Workers Immigration Act as well as experiences of companies. We will take a look at how companies can organise the search for skilled workers and how they can support foreign skilled workers.

Success factors of the digital pioneers

Digitalisation offers enormous potential for the future viability of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to profitability and efficiency, digitalisation creates customer proximity and growth. Digital pioneers thus become resilient, crisis-proof companies. We will discuss with small and medium-sized enterprises from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and experts from the Zukunftszentrum MV and the Zentrum Zukunft der Arbeitswelt what role innovations and error culture play in the transformation process and how SMEs can be supported in this process.
