Biomarkers and AI in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy - March Event of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in MV Available on Youtube

On March 1, 2022, our live stream from KIMV and DIZ Rostock was about biomarkers and AI. Biomarkers in humans are, for example, age, weight, body temperature, but also proteins in the blood or genetic characteristics. If a complex combination of biomarkers plays a role for diagnoses, it is a matter of problems in which a great deal of data is involved and for which methods of artificial intelligence are used. Our guests gave an insight into research and practice.

Prof. Fuellen (University Medical Center Rostock) deals, among other things, with how we can positively influence the state of health and aging processes of people through interventions, for example through nutrition. In order to be able to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the interventions, he draws on a variety of biomarkers.

Prof. Ullrich presented the field of activity of the company Centogene. Centogene specializes in particular in the diagnosis of rare diseases. For this purpose, the company develops biomarkers itself and uses artificial intelligence in its diagnostic procedures.

Thomas Karopka (BioCon Valley GmbH) gave, among other things, insight into the challenges faced by companies active in this field and highlighted the process of obtaining regulatory approval for medical products. Especially for AI-based products, explainability, e.g. of diagnoses, and acceptance by users are still difficult issues. 

The recording of the event is now available on the Youtube channel of DIZ Rostock.

Click here for the video.
