Cooperative doctoral agreement with the University of Applied Sciences Wismar

Cooperation agreement signed with Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design! The University of Applied Sciences Wismar and the University of Rostock have been cooperating in the field of business informatics for several years. This cooperation includes the publication of research results as well as the joint supervision of PhD projects. An example for the successful cooperation are the various research papers and book chapters by Prof. Wißotzki (HS Wismar) and Prof. Sandkuhl (University of Rostock) as well as a first jointly supervised PhD by Johannes Wichmann. A second PhD project is currently in preparation by Mr. Thomas Paetow.

In order to secure this cooperation in the long term, a contract was signed between the two institutions to regulate cooperative doctoral studies. The contract sets common standards for the supervision of doctoral students and has been concluded at the Chair of Business Informatics/ Operational Models at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Wismar and at the University of Rostock for the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The cooperative doctoral program of both institutions is to bundle its research interests and to promote a cross-university, scientific cooperation and development of young researchers. With these organizational conditions, a high-quality research environment can be created for the field of business informatics in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, which is aimed at excellent graduates from the fields of computer science, business informatics or business administration. Doctoral students should be guided to independent scientific work within the framework of their research project, supervised cooperatively and thus trained to become research personalities.
