Das Zentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern auf der Nørd 2024

Last week, the Center for Artificial Intelligence Mecklenburg-Vorpommern had its own stand at the renowned Nørd Digital Convention. This important event provided an excellent platform to present our project and our services and to make valuable new contacts. Our stand was a magnet for numerous visitors from the fields of education, science, administration and business. The discussions were inspiring and full of creative ideas that open up the possibility of new collaborations. Our colleagues from the Future Center MV+ (ZMV+) were also represented at the neighbouring stand and we would like to thank them for their excellent support and cooperation on site.

A special highlight was the presentation of our project to several VIP tours at the Nørd Convention. Among the prominent guests was Christian Pegel, Minister of the Interior, Building and Digitalization, whose interest and support for our work we were particularly pleased about.

Further information on KI MV: www.ki-mv.de

Further information on ZMV+: www.zukunftszentrum-mv.de

Further information on Nørd: www.digitalesmv.de/noerd

