Double Degree Program with St. Petersburg Put On Hold

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Since 2015, there has been a cooperation of the M.Sc. program in Business Information Systems at Rostock University with a Russian University. In the joint double degree program with The National Research University for IT, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) in St. Petersburg, Russia, students in Rostock and St. Petersburg could study a Master’s program which results in two M.Sc. degrees, one in Rostock and one in St. Petersburg.

This double degree program now has been put on hold, i.e., there will be no new students registered in the Program at Rostock University and no Master degrees will be awarded to students from St. Petersburg until Putin’s war with Ukraine has come to a peaceful end.

Many students, teachers and researchers from St. Petersburg expressed that they condemn the war. We hope that the conflict soon comes to a peaceful end, which allows us to continue cooperation with these colleagues in a suitable manner.
