Introduction of AI in companies - February event of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in MV available on YouTube

Julia Jenzen from the Unternehmerverband Nordeutschland Mecklenburg-Schwerin presented the initial results of a survey conducted by ZMV on the use of AI in companies. Does every company need AI? Julia Jenzen had a very pragmatic answer to this. 

Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl from the University of Rostock described when AI is worthwhile for a company and when it is not. He encouraged people to get involved with AI and had a number of pieces of advice ready for the introduction of AI.

Welf Wustlich, CTO of Planet AI, used Planet AI's products as an example to show what possibilities we already have with AI. Perhaps he was also able to reassure some: a company does not need to know how AI works, because there are specialists for that. But a company should know what AI can do in general, and it should be able to describe very precisely the problem that is to be solved by AI.

If you missed the broadcast on 01.02.2022, you can watch it again on the Youtube channel of DIZ Rostock! 

Click here for the recording of the event.

