Relief potential through AI in the context of a shortage of skilled workers

On 20 June, a conference was held in Rostock on the topic "More with less - Relief potential through artificial intelligence in the context of the shortage of skilled workers", which was jointly organised by the Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Zukunftszentrum MV and the application centre "AI in MV". During the event, a total of 33 participants discussed the extent to which the use of artificial intelligence in certain application areas can help alleviate the shortage of skilled workers. After a general lecture on the topic by Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl, concrete examples from the healthcare sector, the craft sector, the tax advisory professions and public administration were presented.

Further information:

To the event:

To the Future Centre MV:

To the AI Application Centre in MV:

To the Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania:

