Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Robert Buchmann (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania) on 11 May

Prof. Robert Buchmann from Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) is currently on a research stay at the University of Rostock as part of the ERASMUS+ programme. Prof. works in the field of knowledge and enterprise modelling. For many years, there has been cooperation with the Chair of Business Informatics in the organisation of workshops and conferences, which is to be deepened by the visit.

On 11 May from 3-5 p.m. in room 001, Prof. Buchmann will give a guest lecture to which all interested parties are cordially invited.


Title: The Convergence between Knowledge Graphs and Domain-specific Enterprise Models

Abstract: The interplay between Knowledge Graphs and visual modeling languages has been traditionally concerned with the challenge of “ontological commitment” - i.e., checking for ontological qualities and enforcing coherence and consistency in model contents. An alternative approach to coupling the two knowledge representation approaches will be promoted by this lecture, motivated by pragmatic requirements of combining human-readable and machine-readable representations. Modeling languages are treated here as schemas for enterprise knowledge fragments that can be linked, reasoned upon and published with the help of semantic technology. The presentation highlights benefits of combining several frameworks originating in the field of knowledge engineering - the Agile Modelling Method Engineering Framework and the Resource Description Framework - which can be combined into novel knowledge acquisition methods or even novel engineering methods. The lecture will present results consolidated from several research projects, demonstrated through tooling including Ontotext's GraphDB triplestore and OMiLAB's BEE-UP modeling environment.

More Information about Prof. Buchmann:

