AI in the Startup Scene MV - April Event of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in MV Available on YouTube

Artificial intelligence is on everyone's lips at the moment and seems to be able to solve almost any problem. So why not start a company if you have a good idea that you want to implement with AI? However, those who want to found a company should be aware beforehand that AI also has limits and where exactly these limits lie. Founding a company also requires the right people with the necessary know-how as well as energetic supporters. 

On April 5, representatives of three young companies, who either started with an AI idea or see AI as an important building block for their further development, told us how their path as a start-up in MV went. Tobias Gebhardt from the company GWA Hygiene, Dr. Johann Heller from and Jan Benthin from the company Aible Solutions were present. In addition, Dr. Martin Setzkorn, as managing director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, presented support opportunities for those willing to start a business.

The recording of the event is now available on the YouTube channel of DIZ Rostock.

Click here for the video.

