KI MV at the Federal Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI)

Emil Löffler von KI MV ©BDSI/Hartmann, 07.06.2024
Emil Löffler und Felix Hauptmann (v.l.n.r.) von KI MV ©BDSI/Hartmann, 07.06.2024

On Friday, 07.06.2024, the Center for Artificial Intelligence MV (KI MV) was a guest at the general meeting of the Federal Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI) at the Hohe Düne Congress Center. In front of the assembled members, the networking of science and business was discussed and at the same time impulses were given on how AI and digitization can be successfully implemented in practice. KI MV was available as a point of contact for all interested parties and demonstrated a small example project from the field of quality control.

Further information on KI MV:

