MARISPACE working meeting in Karlsruhe

The Chair of Business Information Systems is one of the project partners in the Marispace-X project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and building a data ecosystem for underwater data from the sea. On 15 and 16 March, a working meeting of the project took place at IONOS in Karlsruhe, which focused on the status of all work packages and the coordination of further activities. Among the approximately 25 participants were Ben Hellmanzik and Kurt Sandkuhl from the Rostock Business Information Systems Group, who presented the status of work package "Digital Business Models and Economic Exploitation".

The Marispace-X project

The goal of Marispace-X is to build a maritime data ecosystem that allows stakeholders from industry, academia, government, and NGOs to manage, share, and analyze ocean-derived data in a sovereign, secure, and efficient manner based on European standards and values. This interconnection enables new knowledge and the development of new innovative solutions and services for solving the grand challenges of our time.

With the development of this ocean digital ecosystem, Marispace-X addresses several key challenges of this decade, such as climate change, marine conservation and digital transformation through four practical use cases:

  • Internet of Underwater Things: data-driven underwater technologies and sensor networks are the lifelines of the thriving, digitized Blue Economy of the future.
  • Offshore Wind: Offshore wind farms are the key to climate neutrality - Marispace-X develops solutions for collaborative data collection, management and intelligent plant control.
  • Ammunition in the sea: German waters alone contain over 1.6 million tons of old ammunition - new intelligent ways of data analysis and management are needed to combat the problem.
  • Biological climate protection: Marine plants have high CO2 storage capacities - the use case will provide a basis for determining and optimizing the CO2 savings potential of macrophytes.

Marispace-X enables new directions in maritime Big Data processing and sensor data analysis via edge, fog and cloud computing. The consortium, led by IONOS SE, is coordinated by software developer GmbH.

The Marispace-X project consortium is led by cloud provider IONOS SE and coordinated by software developer GmbH. Further consortium members are the maritime BigData specialist TrueOcean GmbH, the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD), GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Stackable GmbH, MacArtney Germany GmbH, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel and University of Rostock.
