Master Defence of Michael Poppe

Michael Poppe, business informatics student at the University of Rostock, has completed his master's thesis on the topic of Impact factors and success criteria for digitalization projects. Supervisor and expert was Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl from University of Rostock.

The defense took place on 11 December 2018. 


Digitisation is a topic that currently occupies much space in the public debate and is discussed from both a technological and a social point of view. The term digitisation stands for the intensive use of new developments in information technology, such as the Internet of Things, mobile communication solutions, sensor technology or self-learning systems, to merge the real world with the digital world. This should lead to the creation of new services and products for the end consumer as well as to changes in processes and structures in companies.

In the course of digitalization, there is potential for new services and application scenarios as well as for product and process innovations in many application areas. Some of these innovations require that the identity of the user can be determined in order to adapt appearance, functionality or behaviour to the individual user. Although the traditional way of identifying the user by explicit login will continue to exist, there are application categories where this is uncomfortable and should be avoided. One such category, which has been considered in the master thesis, concerns the use of interactive scoreboards, displays or devices in rooms that are potentially available to many people at the same time (e.g. in public spaces or the entrance area of apartment buildings). Here the classic login should be replaced by other ways to support scenarios where the user is already recognized when approaching the display.

The work has developed an overview of existing techniques for the identification of persons and examines automatic face recognition and the use of RFID also on the basis of a prototype. An acceptance study will also be carried out.
