Dirk Hamann Defends His Master's Thesis

Dirk Hamann, business informatics student at the University of Rostock, will defend his master's thesis on the topic of " Architecture and design recommendations for IT-supported participatory budgeting" on 29.06.2021 at 10:30 am. The topic is in particular the presentation of a reference architecture for online participatory budgeting systems in order to provide municipalities with a framework for the introduction of such a system.

Supervisors and reviewers were Achim Reiz and Prof. Michael Fellmann of the University of Rostock.

The defence will take place in a virtual ZOOM room. All interested parties please register by Tuesday, 29.06. 2021, 08:00, to send dial-in data by e-mail to Achim Reiz (achim.reiz@uni-rostock.de).
