Published Study: Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Management in SME

Caused by industrial changes like automatization, standardization and innovation, enterprises began to focus on software products and information technology (IT). IT alone is no longer sufficient for business success. Companies need to control enterprise-wide processes and adopt matching actions. In the past, IT- focused architectures failed to integrate other layers and functions of the enterprise. Architecting enterprises received more attention than managing them.

This studies defines important terms for understanding of Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM), its importance and usage as well as its adaptability for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). An empirical study underlines the adaptability by researching the implementation of EAM in SME in practice. The study shows that the IT focus asserted by the literature sources is not seen in practice for SME. In contrast there is already knowledge about the importance of processes, strategies and organizational aspects. The connection between just business-focused and IT-focused managing has to be established in consideration to the dynamic environment, forcing for adaption and internal changing of enterprises. SME are struggling with the basis of organizational structuring like selecting and leading personnel, alignment of processes in accordance to the timespans of orders and increasing bureaucracy. The overwhelming offer of tools and methods, always promising benefits without unjustified efforts and costs, results in still taking management tasks on their own and being increasing aware of support.

Our work is limited to the availability of literature sources at the University Library of Rostock, Springerlink or the World Wide Web. The empirical study is limited by its timeframe of 21 days, the specific invitation of selected enterprises to participate the survey and the selection of questions.
