Save the Date! Big Data Workshop 3.0 – LLMs

After the positive response, the lively exchange and the exciting discussions in recent years, we would like to invite you to our Big Data 3.0 - LLMs workshop again this year! Our networking workshop is all about exchanging the latest findings on the topics of Big Data, AI & Data Science. This year, our event is entirely dedicated to the topic of Large Language Models (LLMs). LLMs offer fascinating opportunities to make data-based decisions and increase efficiency in various areas. The aim of the workshop is to network stakeholders from research and industrial applications in order to harness the potential of these constantly evolving technologies and facilitate efficient collaborations and projects.

The workshop is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and the Center for Artificial Intelligence in MV with the support of the Mittelstand-Digital-Zentrum Rostock, Fraunhofer IGD, the companies Hepster and DEJ Technology as well as the University of Rostock.

We look forward to exciting discussions and a lively exchange.

Further information on KI MV: 
