Stralsund and Rostock co-operate in PhD education

The Stralsund University of Applied Sciences and the University of Rostock have been cooperating in the field of business information systems for several years. This cooperation includes the publication of research results and the joint supervision of doctoral projects. One example of this cooperation is the jointly supervised doctoral thesis of Susanne Marx by Prof. Michael Klotz (Stralsund University of Applied Sciences) and Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl (University of Rostock).

In order to support this cooperation in the long term, a contract was signed between both institutions to regulate cooperative doctoral studies. The contract sets common standards for the supervision of doctoral students and has been signed at the University of Rostock for the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. With the cooperative doctoral program of both universities a high-quality research environment is created for training doctoral students in the fields of computer science, business information systems or business administration.

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