Alexander Saraev defends his Master thesis

Alexander Saraev, Master student in Business Information Systems at the University of Rostock, will defend his Master's thesis on "Development of a Situation Recognition for Videos Using Symbolic and Subsymbolic Artificial Intelligence" on April 19, 2022 at 2:00 pm. 

Supervisors and reviewers were Achim Reiz and Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl from the University of Rostock.

The defense will take place in a virtual ZOOM room. All interested parties please contact Achim Reiz ( by email to submit dial-in data.


Artificial intelligence accompanies us more and more in our everyday life. Voice assistants help us on mobile devices in everyday matters, robots do tedious work for us and even important fields, like medicine, benefit from early automatic detections of problems in the human body. However, the fact is that recognition systems in particular process data either purely symbolically or purely subsymbolically, leaving behind respective advantages of the other method. In this research work a recognition system for videos is developed, which uses both methods of artificial intelligence. For this purpose, it builds on the already existing program SemOI, which captures images and returns represented scenarios based on recognized objects. The goal is to find a balance by combining symbolic and subsymbolic artificial intelligence that delivers more optimal processes and results than previous 'state of the art' AI technologies of the last years since 2015.
