Angelina Clara Schmidt Defends Her Master Thesis

Angelina Clara Schmidt, Master's student in Business Information Systems at the University of Rostock, will defend her Master's thesis on "Development and experimentation of camera-based health interventions at computer workstations" on May 06, 2022, at 11:00 am. The thesis was initiated with Fraunhofer IGD.

Supervisors and reviewers from the University of Rostock were Fabienne Lambusch and Prof. Michael Fellmann. Supervisor from Fraunhofer IGD was Dimitri Kraft.

All interested parties please contact Fabienne Lambusch (fabienne.lambuschuni-rostockde) to receive information about the location.


Working at a computer workstation creates health risks. The Fraunhofer IGD has developed a software called CareCam that can track data such as blink rate and pulse rate in real time using a simple webcam. This data

can be used for health-promoting interventions to reduce the health burden of computer screen work. In this thesis, the development and testing of a concept for health interventions at the computer workstation is carried out using this camera data. Reminders and pauses are implemented that include exercises for the eyes, posture, and mindfulness. A field study is used to test user perception. Further information on the appropriate usage and design of the health interventions will be collected.
