Janek Ziehmann defends his Master's Thesis

Janek Ziehmann, Business Informatics student at the University of Rostock, will defend his Master's thesis on "Design and Evaluation of Visual Notations" on September 16, 2021 at 1:00 pm. 

Supervisors and reviewers were Dr. Birger Lantow and Prof. Alke Martens from the University of Rostock.

The defense will take place in a virtual ZOOM room. All interested parties please register by Thursday, 16.09.2021, 08:00, to submit dial-in data via email to Dr. Birger Lantow (birger.lantowuni-rostockde).


Visual representations can support communication in general and convey knowledge in an effective way. Moreover, in contrast to purely textually encoded information, visual notations can be processed in parallel by the human mind. However, a prerequisite is always a good visual notation. However, little attention is paid to the design and evaluation of visual notations in research. Mostly, more attention is paid to the semantics than to the syntax of visual notations. Therefore, a literature review is used to present the current state of research and to derive design and evaluation procedures for visual notations from the literature. Due to the highly individualized and varying evaluation procedures, especially in the field of empirical evaluation, an evaluation procedure is also developed that is largely software-supported and combines various aspects of the evaluation procedures in the literature. Thus, a high repeatability, a reduction of complexity for notation designers and test persons as well as a comparability of different evaluations can be achieved.
