Jannik Knoblich Defends His Master Thesis

Jannik Knoblich, Master's student in Business Information Systems at the University of Rostock, will defend his Master's thesis on "Estimating Human Energy In Occupational Contexts Based On Continuous Blood Glucose Data" on May 12, 2022, at 14:00 am. The thesis was initiated with Fraunhofer IGD.

Supervisors and reviewers from the University of Rostock were Fabienne Lambusch and Prof. Michael Fellmann. Supervisor from Fraunhofer IGD was Gerald Bieber.

The defense will take place in a virtual ZOOM room. All interested parties please contact Fabienne Lambusch (fabienne.lambuschuni-rostockde) for more information.


Background. Nowadays, many organizations steadily have to face new challenges due to an increasing competition, new technologies and manpower shortage. While dealing with this growth of challenges and confronting employees with higher demands, organizations have to pay attention to employee’s well-being. In recent research the concept of human energy is often used to address the aspects of well-being. Human energy embraces feelings of vigor, vitality and fatigue. In order to be aware of employee’s human energy at work and to maintain health and well-being, an objective measurement to determine the level of human energy is needed.

Objective and methods. The goal of the present study was to investigate if human’s blood glucose can serve as an objective measurement of human energy. For this purpose a pilot study with 12 healthy participants was conducted. During the study human energy and glucose concentration were tracked under everyday life conditions. Human energy levels were measured by using a previously validated battery scale. Glucose was measured with a continuous glucose monitoring system which measures the interstitial glucose concentration. It was hypothesized that 1) glucose concentration correlates with self-reported states of the battery scale, 2) self-reported scales of vitality and fatigue correlate with self-reported states of the battery scale, 3a) human energy and glucose concentration have a certain diurnal pattern, and 3b) diurnal patterns of glucose concentration and human energy are related to each other.
