We cordially invite you to a guest lecture by Niall Deehan from Camunda!

Title: The evolution to process orchestration
Time: 5 June 2024, 9.15 am
Place: Lecture hall 037 in the Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22

What is it about?
Camunda is a workflow management system that is becoming increasingly popular. With Camunda, processes can be modelled and also executed.
Niall has sent us a short outline of his presentation, which will consist of two parts:

Part one will give a bit of history - describing how software architecture has been moving towards more distributed systems and how this has led to a need for an orchestration component that acts as the "owner of state" for a series of external and diverse systems. The takeaway will be an answer to the question - "Why do people need process orchestration?"

In part two, Niall will be building a process from the ground up - integrating front end applications and microservices within a BPMN model, the result being an executable model.

We welcome anyone interested in joining us for this talk.
