Business Information Systems Team successful at the 14th Rostock company run!

[Translate to English:] v.l.r. Marcus Triller, Felix Holz, Angelina Schmidt, Nikola Ivanović, Benjamin Nast, Leon Griesch, Michael Fellmann, Ben Hellmanzik
[Translate to English:] Team "WINner"
[Translate to English:] Team "WINner der Herzen"

At this year's edition of the Rostock company run on 21 June, two teams from Business Informatics once again took to the starting line. The run took place in Rostock's city harbour and four runners per team each completed a lap of approx. 3.5 km. The focus was on fun and team spirit at this event.
With a total of 834 participating teams, the "WINners" were able to achieve 87th place and the "WINners of Hearts" 561st place in the overall standings. Both teams are already motivated in their preparations for next year.
