Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling Methods and Tools – OMiLAB Nodes Experience & Knowledge Exchange (OMiLAB-KNOW) – September 15th, 2023, in Camerino - Ascoli Piceno, Italy

The goal of the workshop is to stimulate discussions on the requirements, use, design decisions, tooling and evaluations regarding domain-specific conceptual modeling methods in the context of Business Informatics Research.

Discussions will be facilitated by the current activities and experiences of nodes in the OMiLAB network and community of practice, including lessons learned from recent projects where modeling methods played an enabling role. Results from the network members typically include modeling tools, modeling method components or extensions, model-driven artifacts, applications of domain-specific modeling, empirical evaluation strategies. OMiLAB nodes are invited to share such results, as well as visions potentially leading to such results.

Anne Gutschmidt (University of Rostock, Germany) and Ana-Maria Ghiran (Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania) will be organizing the workshop. For more information visit the workshop Website.

The workshop is co-located with BIR’23 (
