Centre for Artificial Intelligence in MV and Digital Innovation Centre Rostock invite to online event: Activity recognition and individual assistance based on sensor data

On 03.08.2021 at 10 a.m., SMEs and other interested parties can find out more about projects from science and practice in the field of artificial intelligence for activity recognition and assistance using sensor technology

We have invited two guests. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Bader works at the Chair of Mobile Multimedia Information Systems (MMIS) at the University of Rostock. From him, we will learn more about AI projects from computer science, which are used in care, for example, but can also be transferred to many other areas of application. In a conversation with Sebastian Bader, we find out how activity recognition works on the basis of sensor data and how it can be used to develop assistance systems that support people with dementia in their everyday lives, for example. 

Our second guest, Mathias Manzke, co-founder of the young company Triphari, presents his product "fernfreund". This system is designed to help make sure that relatives who are far away, especially the elderly or those in need of help, are doing well. To do this, Triphari uses only inconspicuous, non-invasive sensors inside the home that do not have to be worn on the body. A mobile phone app informs us whether, for example, the grandparents got up at the usual time in the morning.

The event will be broadcast live on the internet by the Digital Innovation Centre Rostock.

Information on the event at a glance:

Artificial intelligence for SMEs in MV: Activity recognition and individual assistance based on sensor data.

Time: 03.08.2021, 10.00 - 10.50 a.m.

Location: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0aLyLrK4iv5e6ZnGCcv_aQ

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Anne Gutschmidt, anne.gutschmidtuni-rostockde
