Cooperations with Industry and Academia

Teaching and research in Business Information Systems depend on real-world problems in businesses and public authorities, and on the exchange of resuls and ideas on an international level. Thus, the Chair cooperates with many partners in academia and in industry. Below we provide a selection of our partners.

Research Partners

Fraunhofer IGD

Joint research projects (e.g., Situation-aware Maintenance Support), the industry network BeProductive!, guidance of PhD projects, invited talks at workshops.

Fraunhofer Fokus

Guidance of PhD projects (e.g., Raik Kuhlisch), organisation of workshops (e.g., ILOG 2015 ) applications for joint research projects.

Hochschule Reutlingen

Guidance of PhD projects (e.g., Raik Kuhlisch), organisation of workshops (e.g., ILOG 2015) applications for joint research projects.


Joint projects (e.g. CORELIB ), numerous joint publications, teaching in the Double Degree Master Business Information Systems.

Hochschule Wismar

Joint supervision of master thesis work, sharing of teaching material, guest lectures.

Riga Technical University

Joint projects (e.g. CaaS or Knowledge-Co-Production), joint publications, International SAP Case Study in the Master program on Business Information Systems.

Stockholm University

Joint projects (e.g. CaaS ), joint publications (e.g., book on Enterprise Modelling), organisation of workshops (e.g., PoEM 2012), ERASMUS exchange of students.

Higher School of Economics

Organisation of workshops, applications for joint research projects.

University of Valencia

Joint projects (e.g. CaaS ), joint publications, joint supervision of Master thesis work.

Jönköping University

Joint projects (e.g., infoFLOW or DEON ), ERASMUS exchange of students and teachers, many joint publications, joint supervision of PhD students.

Poznań University

Joint workshops (e.g., the BITA Workshop Series), joint funding applications, joint publications.

ITMO University

Joint Double Degree Master Business Information Systems, joint lab on Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems.

Industrial Partner

SAP University Alliances

Usage of SAP installation in Magdeburg for teaching in Bachelor and Master as well as for TERP-10 certificates.


Joint publications, joint supervision of master thesis work.

Schindler AG

Cooperation for developing digital business models, e.g. digital signage solutions


Joint research projects (e.g., CaaS or ECLORA), joint supervision of master thesis work.