Offshore Wind Energy (Master’s)

View of the Riffgat offshore wind farm north-west of the island of Borkum (the transformer platform on the left) in light fog.
View of the Riffgat offshore wind farm north-west of the island of Borkum (the transformer platform on the left) in light fog. (Source: Impériale / CC BY-SA (

Offshore wind energy is an essential pillar of the global energy transition. This course focuses on this topic. In particular, knowledge about the analysis of wind power and the related annual energy production considering the power curve of the wind turbine is imparted. In addition, standards and guidelines are introduced. Based on this knowledge, offshore wind turbines and their design, different substructures and foundations / anchors are presented. In addition to technical issues, ecological and economic aspects in the offshore wind sector are important and are therefore finally focused.

Wind energy plants make an important contribution to the energy supply today. In the lecture the current status of offshore wind energy as well as some economic and ecological aspects are presented. The main topics are:

  • Introduction to offshore wind energy
  • Trends and markets
  • Standards and guidelines
  • Wind supply, AEP and wind farm development
  • Offshore wind turbines and their design
  • Offshore wind turbine substructures and their design
  • Offshore wind turbine foundations and their design
  • Grid connection, park cabling and AC / DC platforms
  • Ecological & economic aspects including sustainability

In the exercise, specific calculation examples and analyzes for all of the above-mentioned key points are presented and calculated.

The lecture language is German or English. 

For more information on this module, please contact:

Dr. Frank Adam
Stelzengang - Room 131
Albert-Einstein-Str. 2
18059 Rostock

Tel.:      +49 381 / 498 - 9573
Email:   frank.adam(at)



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Please, sign in for this module (lecture + exercise) in Stud.IP. Thus, you get the latest news and ensure an optimal planning of the course.

Dates and Rooms

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Uwe Ritschel
Date: Winter semester 2023/2024
Lecturer: PD Dr.-Ing. habil.
Evgueni Stanoev
Date: Winter semester 2023/2024

Course documentation and task sheets for the exercises can be downloaded from Stud.IP.

Additional up-to-date information about the courses of this module can be found at the LSF.