Christoph Schwerdt

Research Assistant at the chair of Applied Analysis


University of Rostock
Institute of Mathematics
Ulmenstraße 69
D-18057 Rostock

Building No. 3, Room 438
Phone: +49 (0)381 - 498 6581

E-Mail: christoph.schwerdtuni-rostockde

Research Interests

  • Operator semigroups
  • Intrinsic ultracontractivity of Schrödinger semigroups

Further foci of my education:

  • Spectral theory
  • Funktional analysis
  • Complex analysis
  • Fourier analysis


Interested students are welcome to contact me for an application of the next ISEM.

Office hours

Mo, Tu and Wed from 1 to 2 pm


Supervised Theses

  • "Spectral properties of the quantum harmonic oscillator" - Master thesis, J. Raßfeld (2022)
  • "Basis properties of Fucik-Eigenfunctions" - Bachelor thesis, R. Demko (2023)
  • "Study of Gleick-Lorenz systems" - Staatsexamen, A.-K. Jirsch (2024)

Current classes

Summer semester 2024


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