Faculty Management

Dean: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kühn

Dean of Studies: Prof. Dr. Friedemann Reinhard

Vice-Deans: Prof. Dr. Klaus Neymeyr, Prof. Dr. Stefan Richter

Composition of the Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

for the term of office October 2023 to September 2025



Dean: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kühn

Group of University Teachers

Group of University Teachers

Prof. Dr. Klaus Neymeyr
Prof. Dr. Frederike Diana Hanke
Prof. Dr. Eva Christina Müller-Hill
Prof. Dr. Peter Huy
Prof. Dr. Björn Corzilius
Prof. Dr. Tobias Korn
Prof. Dr. Renate Horn
Prof. Dr. Michael Dreher
Prof. Dr. Christian Klinke
Prof. Dr. Andreas Richter
Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann
Prof. Dr. Klaus Boldt

Group of Academic Staff

Group of Academic Staff

Dr. Anne Strate
Dr. Franziska Fennel
PD Dr. Rhena Schumann
Klara Raspe

Group of other staff members

Group of other staff members

Vivian Breitsprecher
Annett Nagel

Group of students

Group of students

Patrick Staschick
Jan Wolfrum
Niklas Zessin
Annely Lisa Nora Seyfarth

List of Faculty Council members (pdf-file)