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f.l.t.r.: Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Erik Renz, Fernanda Alvares Freire, Marc Lemke, Caroline Müller, Nils Kellner

From February 26 to March 1, this year's DHd conference took place in Passau, over the theme 'DH Quo Vadis?' As in the previous nine years, the conference served as a gathering point for digital humanities researchers and enthusiasts from the DACH region. It provided a platform to discuss the discipline's progress, hurdles, and future directions. Naturally, members of the Rostock Digital Humanities Professorship and the RosDH attended, presenting their research findings and projects within this interdisciplinary field.

In her lecture titled "DHd Chronicles", Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Henny-Krahmer delved into the abstracts of DHd conferences from 2014 to 2023, illuminating ›key trends‹ in the digital humanities. Additionally, she contributed to the panel discussion "Still alive?! - Vom Umgang mit lebenden Systemen in den Digital Humanities", exploring the significance of living systems and strategies for their enduring relevance. Furthermore, she was also involved in the workshop "Generative KI, LLMs und GPT in digitalen Editionen" at the conference's onset, which highlighted the potential uses and challenges of AI technologies in digital editions.

During the poster session on Thursday, members of the Rostocker team, including Fernanda Alvares Freire ("EU-CONEXUS Joint Master in Digital Humanities"), Marc Lemke and Nils Kellner ("CANSpiN: Zur computergestützten Analyse narrativen Raums im Roman des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts"), and Caroline Müller ("Vom Zettel zum TEI-annotierten Beleg: Die Verknüpfung von lexikografischen Daten mit ihren Quellentexten im Projekt DEMel"), showcased their respective projects.

As a representative of the next generation of DH experts, Master's student Erik Renz also participated in the conference. He was one of eleven recipients of an Early-Career Travel Grant, sponsored by the DHd association as well as the NFDI consortia 4Memory and 4Culture, with a value of up to 500 euros. Together with other grantees, he shares his experiences and impressions of the conference in an new episode of the DH podcast RaDiHum20.

For more information, please click here.


Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde