Erik Renz

Graduate and Teaching Assistant
at the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities



As a student assistant at the junior professorship for Digital Humanities of Dr. Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, I provide support in the organization and implementation in the areas of research and teaching. My work is mainly focused on the research and preparation of information that will contribute to the establishment of a DH program at the University of Rostock. In addition, I am involved in the creation of digital text collections, including the development of transformation scripts and text encoding in XML according to the standard of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).


  • Renz, Erik: Review of 'Jean Paul – Sämtliche Briefe digital', in: RIDE 19 (2024). 20 pp. (Submitted and accepted.)
  • Renz, Erik; Tews, Julius: »Er wollte auch hier [nur] ›die Abweichungen kontrollieren‹«. Tagungsbericht zu: Johnson edieren, 7. Internationale Uwe Johnson-Tagung in Rostock, 16.-18. Juni 2023, in: Johnson-Jahrbuch 29 (2024), pp. 203–212.


  • 02/2024: Early-Career Travel Grantee of the DHd association for participation in the DHd Annual Conference 2024 (DHd2024) in Passau
  • since 01/2024: Graduate Assistant at the Uwe Johnson Professorship for 20th Century Modern German Literature (project: CANSpiN)
  • since 11/2022: Graduate and Teaching Assistant at the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities (projects: Pessoa Digital and DEMel)
  • 10/2022: Bachelor of Arts in History (major) and German Studies (minor)

In addition to my professional activities, I have been a member of the team at the 'Drama Corpora Project' (DraCor) since February 2023, where I primarily focus on expanding the collection of German-language dramas (GerDraCor) by including works by female playwrights.

Functions and Memberships

Erik Renz

Institute for German Studies
Ulmenstraße 69, House 3,
Room 219
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: erik.renzuni-rostockde