Lecture Series

Digital Humanities in Focus: Methods, Applications, and Perspectives

The lecture series Digital Humanities in Focus: Methods, Applications, and Perspectives has been organized since the summer semester of 2023 as a collaborative initiative between the Rostock Working Group Digital Humanities (RosDH) and the Academy Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities. It focuses on current issues related to the theory, methodology, and practice of research in Digital Humanities. Speakers from the University of Rostock, as well as invited guests from the German-speaking and international community, will offer their unique perspectives and approaches to this interdisciplinary subject and field of study.

Since the winter semester 2023-24, the lecture series has been integrated into the course offerings of the University of Rostock and is part of the module "Digital Humanities Colloquium". This module is open to master's and magister students from the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering as an elective or additional credit.

Funding and Support

The organization of the event during the winter semesters of 2023-24 and 2024-25 was supported through a collaboration with the scientific association "Entwicklung, Anwendung und Folgen moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien" (Development, Application, and Consequences of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, abbreviated as "luK-Verbund"). Funding for the summer semester 2024 and the academic year 2024-25 has been obtained through the Fund of the Pro-Rector of Studying, Teaching, and Evaluation at the University of Rostock (Project: "DH im Fokus"; grant number: PSL-PHF-1-24; project coordination: Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Fernanda Alvares Freire and Erik Renz).

Former Programs

SuSe 2024
WiSe 2023-24
SuSe 2023


Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde

Lecture Series:

Digital Humanities in Focus

Meeting ID: 630 4747 2241
Passcode: 430211

Venue in the SuSe 2024
Main Building of the University
Universitätsplatz 1, 2nd Floor,
Room 218
18055 Rostock

Lecture Series