Lecture Series: Summer Semester 2023

Digital Humanities in Focus: Methods, Applications, and Perspectives

Semester Program 2023

The lecture series took place regularly on Mondays during the lecture period from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. The venue was the Institute for Primary School Pedagogy at Kröpeliner Straße 57, in seminar room 01 (on the 3rd floor) and online via Zoom.


Digital Edition of Fernando Pessoa: Projects and Publications


The digital scholarly edition "Fernando Pessoa. Projects and Publications" was originally created as part of a collaborative project between the Institute of Literature and Tradition (IELT) at the New University of Lisbon and the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH) at the University of Cologne, starting in 2014. The web presentation of the edition was first launched in 2017 and has been developed further since then. At the lecture, the Pessoa team will present the current state of the digital edition on the editorial projects and publications of the famous Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa (1883–1935), its project history, and an outlook on the upcoming activities.

Project team:

Pedro Sepúlveda is Assistant Professor in the Department of Portuguese Studies at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Jorge Uribe is Professor at the Departament of Humanities of the Universidad EAFIT, Inês Rebelo do Carmo is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Portuguese Studies at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, and Ulrike Henny-Krahmer is Junior Academy Professor for Digital Humanities at the University of Rostock.


Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde

Lecture Series:

Digital Humanities in Focus

Meeting ID: 630 4747 2241
Passcode: 430211

Venue in the SuSe 2024
Main Building of the University
Universitätsplatz 1, 2nd Floor,
Room 218
18055 Rostock

Lecture Series