Lecture Series: Summer Semester 2024

Digital Humanities in Focus: Methods, Applications, and Perspectives

Semester Program 2024

The lecture series takes place regularly on Thursdays during the lecture period from 5:15 p.m to 6:45 p.m. The course venue is in person at the main building of the university, located at Universitätsplatz 1, in Room 218 (on the 2nd floor), and online via Zoom. Everyone interested is warmly invited to participate.


GenderVarianten: Revisionen von Genderkonstruktionen in Textüberlieferungen


Im interdisziplinären Projekt GenderVarianten forschen Theologen und Informatiker zusammen an genderspezifischen Veränderungen in Textüberlieferungen. Im ersten Teil wird Prof. Al-Suadi eine Kurzvorstellung des Projektes inklusive der theologische Fragestellungen geben. Christoph Werner wird anschließend zum aktuellen Stand der Arbeiten berichten. Die Präsentation umfasst die Beschreibung der Datenerhebung (Transkriptionsdaten und Namen), sowie der Suche nach Namen in den Transkriptionen und eine erste Analyse von Hinzufügungen, Auslassungen und Variationen von Namen.

Short bio:

Dr. Soham Al-Suadi has been a Professor of New Testament at the University of Rostock since 2017. Her research focuses on the integration of digital technologies with New Testament studies, utilizing interdisciplinary methods and digital tools to analyze biblical texts. Together with Prof. Dr. Frank Krüger and Prof. Dr. Gotlind Ulshöfer, she leads the DFG project GenderVarianten.

From 2018 to 2023, Christoph Werner completed his studies in Applied Computer Science at Wismar University. Since 2023, he has been working as a research associate in the DFG project "GenderVarianten — Revisionen von Genderkonstruktionen in Textüberlieferungen". His responsibilities include the processing of transcription data from the Münster New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room, as well as from projects of the International Greek New Testament Project at the University of Birmingham.

Dr.-Ing. Frank Krüger has been Professor of Data Science and Machine Learning at Wismar University of Applied Sciences since 2022. His research interests include information extraction and data integration from unstructured and heterogeneous data sources. A particular focus of his work is the documentation of data provenance and its revision levels. In the GenderVarianten project, he is following the goal of automatically identifying gender-specific changes in order to work against distortions in the presentation and aggregation of contained information at an early stage.


Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde

Lecture Series:

Digital Humanities in Focus

Meeting ID: 630 4747 2241
Passcode: 430211

Venue in the SuSe 2024
Main Building of the University
Universitätsplatz 1, 2nd Floor,
Room 218
18055 Rostock

Lecture Series