Working Papers

2024 - 28. Jahrgang

2024 - 28. Jahrgang

Benjamin Strohner
Berufsorientierung als Mittel gegen Arbeitslosigkeit - eine Zeitreihenanalyse für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Working paper No. 170

Tobias Schütze, Henrik Carlhoff and Helena Witschel
Eliciting Paternalistic Preferences: An Incentivised Experiment
Working paper No. 169

2022 - 26. Jahrgang

2022 - 26. Jahrgang

2021 - 25. Jahrgang

2021 - 25. Jahrgang

Bianca Willert
Modern Slavery - An Empirical Analysis
Working paper No. 167

2020 - 24. Jahrgang

2020 - 24. Jahrgang

Edoardo Beretta and Doris Neuberger
Institutional hostility to cash and COVID-19
Working paper No. 166

Carsten Ochsen
Age Cohort Effects on Unemployment in the US: Evidence from the Regional Level
Working paper No. 165

2019 - 23. Jahrgang

2019 - 23. Jahrgang

Michael Rauscher and Bianca Willert
Slavery, Corruption, and Institutions
Working paper No. 164

Henrik Carlhoff
Carbon Footprint, Demography, and Employment Status
Working paper No. 163

Robert Fenge and Max Friese
Should unemployment insurance be centralized in a state union?
Working paper No. 162

Doris Neuberger and Udo Reifner
Systemic Usury and the European Consumer Credit Directive
Working paper No. 161

Michael Rauscher
Demographic Change and Climate Change
Working paper No. 160

2016 - 20. Jahrgang

2016 - 20. Jahrgang

Bianca Willert
How Intermediates Trade Affects the Formation of Free Trade Agreements: A study analyzing pairwise trade flows of 70 countries
Working paper No. 147

Peter Hennecke, Pierluigi Murro, Doris Neuberger and Flaviana Palmisano
Pensions and Housing Wealth - Quantitative Data on Market Conditions for Equity Release Schemes in the EU
Working paper No. 146

Wilfried Dalvai
Agglomeration and the Product Mix
Working paper No. 145

Wilfried Dalvai
Urban Costs, Wages, and Selection
Working paper No. 144

Wilfried Dalvai
Urban Cultural Amenities and the Migration
Working paper No. 143

Oliver Mäschle und Wilfried Dalvai
Rationing and Screening in Crowdinvesting-markets
Working paper No. 142

2015 - 19. Jahrgang

2015 - 19. Jahrgang

Thusnelda Tivig und Sabrina Kasch
Außerhäusliche Aktivitäten als Maß für Mobilität und Teilhabe
Working paper No. 141

Stefan Kersting, Silke Hüttel and Martin Odening
Structural change in agriculture under capacity constraints – an equilibrium approach
Working paper No. 140

Susan Staatz
Empirische Analyse zur Rolle externer Sanierungsberater aus Sicht von Kreditinstituten
Working paper No. 139

Max Friese
The labor market effect of demographic change: Alleviation for financing social security 
Working paper No. 138 

Ältere Jahrgänge
2011 - 15. Jahrgang

2011 - 15. Jahrgang

Frank Dreher, Saskia Laser, Nico Singer
Published stock recommendations as investor sentiment in the near-term stock market
Working paper No. 121

Ludwig Nellinger
Zur Herleitung der Thünenschen Grabsteinformel
Working paper No. 120

Alessandro Cigno
Lectures on Fertility, Savings, Inter-Generational Transfers and Gender
Working paper No. 119

Golo Henseke
Retirement effects of heavy job demands
Working paper No. 118

2009 - 13. Jahrgang

2009 - 13. Jahrgang

Susanne Lexa
Priorisierung medizinischer Leistungen im System der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung in Deutschland: Sachstand und Vorschläge zur Umsetzung
Working paper No. 112

Alexander Conrad, Doris Neuberger und Lucinda Trigo Gamarra
The Impact of Regional and Demographic Factors on the Efficiency of
German Savings Banks

Working paper No. 111

Ludwig Nellinger
Über die Natur und das Wesen des Geldes – Johann Heinrich von Thünens unveröffentlichter Beitrag zur Geldtheorie
Working Paper No. 110

Michael Rauscher
Concentration, Separation, and Dispersion: Economic Geography and the Environment
Working Paper No. 109

Golo Henseke
Country Performance at the International Mathematical Olympiad
Working paper No. 108

Alexander Conrad, Doris Neuberger und Lucinda Trigo Gamarra
Der Einfluss regionaler und demographischer Umfeldfaktoren auf die Kosten- und Ertragssituation von Sprakassen - Eine Effizienzanalyse
Working paper No. 107

Michael Rauscher
Green R&D versus End-of-Pipe Emission Abatement: A Model of Directed Technical Change
Working paper No. 106

Michael Kuhn and Carsten Ochsen
Demographic and Geographic Determinants of Regional Physician Supply 
Working paper No. 105

Nico Singer
A Behavioral Portfolio Analysis of Retirement Portfolios in Germany
Working paper No. 104

Ettore Andreani, Kathrin Dummann and Doris Neuberger
Composition of Supervisory Boards in Germany: Inside or Outside Control of Banks?
Working paper No. 103

Carsten Ochsen
Regional Labor Markets and Aging in Germany
Working paper No. 102

2008 - 12. Jahrgang

2008 - 12. Jahrgang

Daniel Becker:
Public-Sector Efficiency and Interjurisdictional Competition - an Empirical Investigation
Working paper No. 101

Jana Bruder and Solvig Räthke-Döppner:
Ethnic Minority Self-Employment in Germany: Geographical Distribution and Determinants of Regional Variation
Working paper No. 100

Kathrin Dummann:
Retirement saving and attitude towards financial intermediaries - Evidence for Germany
Working paper No. 99

Alexander Conrad / Doris Neuberger / Maria Schneider-Reißig:
Geographic and Demographic Bank Outreach: Evidence from Germany’s Three-Pillar Banking System
Working paper No. 98

Carsten Ochsen:
Subjective Well-Being and the Duration of Aggregate Unemployment in Europe
Working paper No. 97

Carsten Ochsen:
Recommendation, Class Repeating, and Children’s Ability: German School Tracking Experiences
Working paper No. 96

Carsten Ochsen:
Parental Labor Market Success and Children’s Education Attainment
Working paper No. 95

Alexander Conrad:
Banking in schrumpfenden Regionen. Auswirkungen von Alterung und Abwanderung auf Regionalbanken
Working paper No. 94

Lucinda Trigo Gamarra:
The Effects of Liberalization and Deregulation on the Performance of Financial Institutions: The Case of the German Life Insurance Market
Working paper No. 93

Stephan Kühntopf / Thusnelda Tivig:
Vorausberechnung der Anzahl und Struktur privater Haushalte in Deutschland, Hamburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bis 2030
Working paper No. 92

Stephan Kühntopf / Thusnelda Tivig:
Prognose der Erwerbspersonenzahl in Deutschland, Hamburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bis 2030
Working paper No. 91

Robert Stelter:
Thünens Theorie des „naturgemäßen Lohns“ Zur Entdeckung des Grenzproduktivitätsprinzips in der Theorie der funktionellen Einkommensverteilung.
Working paper No. 90

Carsten Ochsen:
The Distribution of Unemployment by Age and the Unemployment Rate - A Puzzle?
Working paper No. 89

Carsten Ochsen:
How the Distribution of Unemployment by Duration Affects the Unemployment Rate
Working paper No. 88

Neuberger, Doris and Räthke, Solvig:
Effectiveness of Public Loan Guarantees and Guarantee Banks: an Empirical Study for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Wirksamkeit von Landesbürgschaften und Bürgschaftsbanken: eine empirische Studie für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
Working Paper No. 87

Golo Henseke / Thusnelda Tivig:
Age, Occupations, and Opportunities for Older Workers in Germany
Working paper No. 86

Stephan Kühntopf / Thusnelda Tivig:
Early Retirement in Germany: Loss of income and lifetime?
Working paper No. 85

2007 - 11. Jahrgang

2007 - 11. Jahrgang

ana Bruder / Doris Neuberger / Solvig Räthke-Döppner:
Financial Constraints of Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Germany
Working paper No. 84

Daniel Becker:
A Technical Note on Comparative Dynamics in a Fiscal Competition Model
Working Paper No. 83

Stephan Kühntopf / Thusnelda Tivig:
Regionale Bevölkerungsentwicklung in der Metropolregion Hamburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung im Rahmen des Projekts "Infrastrukturplanung und demografische Entwicklungen" (InfraDem)
Working paper No. 82

Lucinda Trigo Gamarra:
Single- versus Multi-Channel Distribution Strategies in the German Life Insurance Market: A Cost and Profit Efficiency Analysis
Working paper No. 81

Stefan Hubrich / Thusnelda Tivig / Hans-Dieter Stubben:
Pensionsrückstellungen: Ein unternehmerischer Risikofaktor?
Working paper No. 80

Michael Rauscher and Edward B. Barbier :
Biodiversity and Geography
Working Paper No. 79

Dieter Brümmerhoff and Utz-Peter Reich:
Treatment of owner-occupied housing in national accounts: Some questions
Working Paper No. 78-1

Dieter Brümmerhoff:
Geschichte des Staates in den Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen
Working Paper No. 78-2

Martina Eckardt:
Does Signaling Work in Markets for Information Services? An Empirical Investigation for Insurance Intermediaries in Germany
Working Paper No. 77

Lucinda Trigo Gamarra:
Does the Product Quality Hypothesis Hold True? - Service Quality Differences between Independent and Exclusive Insurance Agents
Working paper No. 76

Kathrin Dummann:
Determinants of Occupational Pension Provision in Germany
Working paper No. 75

Daniel Becker / Michael Rauscher:
Fiscal Competition in Space and Time: An Endogenous-Growth Approach
Working paper No. 74

Golo Henseke / Pascal Hetze / Thusnelda Tivig:
Aging in German Industries and Selected Professions (Alterung der Erwerbspersonen in Deutschland)
Working paper No. 73

Golo Henseke / Thusnelda Tivig:
Demographic Change and industry-specific Innovation Patterns in Germany
Working paper No. 72

Katharina Frosch / Thusnelda Tivig:
Age, Human Capital and the Geography of Innovation
Working paper No. 71

2006 - 10. Jahrgang

2006 - 10. Jahrgang

Michael Kuhn / Qianhui Yan (2006):
Quality Monitoring, Collusion and Sub-contracting
Working paper No. 70

Michael Kuhn (2006):
Delegating budgets when agents care about autonomy
Working paper No. 69

Daniel Becker / Erich Gundlach (2006):
Notes on Factor Price Equality and Biased Technical Change in a Two-Cone Trade Model
Working Paper No. 68

Stephan Kühntopf / Thusnelda Tivig (2006):
Renteneintrittsalter und Lebensdauer: Was kostet die Frühverrentung?
Working Paper No. 67

Pascal Hetze (2006):
Bridging the Technology-Gap in Economic Transition, the J-curve of Growth and Unemployment
Working Paper No. 66

Pascal Hetze (2006):
Economic Integration, Labor Reallocation, and Growth
Working Paper No. 65

Katharina Frosch (2006):
Reemployment Rates over the Life Course: Is there still Hope after Late Career Job Loss?
Working Paper No. 64

Jana Bruder / Katharina Frosch (2006):
Foreign Nationality and Age - A Double Drawback for Reemployment in Germany?
Working Paper No. 63

Carsten Ochsen / Heinz Welsch (2006):
Labor Market Institutions: Curse or Blessing?
Working Paper No. 62

Neuberger, Doris and Räthke, Solvig (2006):
Microenterprises and Multiple Bank Relationships: Evidence from a Survey among Professionals
Working Paper No. 61

Carsten Ochsen / Heinz Welsch (2006):
The Social Costs of Unemployment: Accounting for Unemployment Duration
Working Paper No. 60

Pascal Hetze (2006):
Skill Shortages, Labor Reallocation, and Growth
Working Paper No. 59

Martina Eckardt (2006):
The Quality of Insurance Intermediary Services - An Analysis of Conduct and Performance in the German Market of Insurance Intermediation
Working Paper No. 58

2005 - 9. Jahrgang

2005 - 9. Jahrgang

Pascal Hetze and Carsten Ochsen (2005):
How Aging of the Labor Force Affects Equilibrium Unemployment
Working Paper No. 57

Becker, Daniel (2005):
Dynamic Tax Competition and Public-Sector Modernisation
Working Paper No. 56

Ochsen, Carsten (2005):
Crime and European Labour Market Policy
Working Paper No. 55

Rauscher, Michael (2005):
Tax Competition, Capital Mobility, and Innovation in the Public Sector
Working Paper No. 54

Barbier, Edward B. and Rauscher, Michael (2005):
Trade and Development in a Labor Surplus Economy
Working Paper No. 53

Neuberger, Doris and Schacht, Christoph (2005):
The Number of Bank Relationships of SMEs: A Disaggregated Analysis for the Swiss Loan Market
Working Paper No. 52

Münzenmaier, Werner (2005):
Indikatoren zu Wirtschaftskraft und Einkommenssituation deutscher Groß-städte im Jahre 2002 - Vergleichende Darstellung anhand von regionalen Daten der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen
Working Paper No. 51-2

Richter, Josef (2005):
Die Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung am aktuellen Rand
Working Paper No. 51-1

Grömling, Michael (2005):
Sinn und Unsinn von Quoten auf Basis von preisbereinigten Werten
Working Paper No. 50

Ochsen, Carsten (2005):
Labour Market Instituts and Unemployment Revisited
Working Paper No. 49

2004 - 8. Jahrgang

2004 - 8. Jahrgang

Kerber, Wolfgang and Eckardt, Martina (2004):
Policy Learning in Europe: The "Open Method of Coordination" and Laboratory Federalism
Working Paper No. 48

Eckardt, Martina (2004):
Evolutionary Approaches to Legal Change
Working Paper No. 47

Andreani, Ettore and Neuberger, Doris (2004):
Relationship Finance by Banks and Non-Bank Institutional Investors: A Review within the Theory of the Firm
Working Paper No. 46

Ochsen, Carsten (2004):
Zukunft der Arbeit und Arbeit der Zukunft in Deutschland
Working Paper No. 45

Ochsen, Carsten (2004):
On the Measurement of Mismatch
Working Paper No. 44

Janisch, U. und Brümmerhoff (2004):
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Schattenwirtschaftsschätzung
Working Paper No. 43-2

Braakmann, A. (2004):
Schattenwirtschaft und Messung des Wirtschaftswachstums
Working Paper No. 43-1

Struck, B. (2004):
Zur statistischen Wahrnehmung der Veränderungen bei den statistischen Einheiten des Sektors Staat
Working Paper No. Working Paper No. 42-2

Voy, K. (2004):
Schumpeter und das Sozialprodukt, Ein Beitrag zur Archäologie der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen in der ersten Hälfte des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts
Working Paper No. 42-1