The Complete Works of Uwe Johnson


A historical-critical edition of the works, writings and letters in printed and digital form.

This Edition of the Complete Works of Uwe Johnson is an Academy Project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities at the University of Rostock. It will result in a critical edition on historical principles, in both printed and digital form, of the works, letters and other writings of Uwe Johnson. The project is funded jointly by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany and the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. This will be the first time an edition of the works of a contemporary author from the 20th century has been undertaken under the auspices of the Academy.

This Edition of the Complete Works of Uwe Johnson will provide researchers with a reliable and philologically punctilious textual basis for studying the literary works and other writings of Uwe Johnson. The author’s extensive correspondence will be given equal weight in terms of the space devoted to it and the care lavished on it. In the digital edition all the possibilities offered by multi-media technology will be used to present the genesis of a particular text, to make available the sources Johnson used while writing it and to provide information on its literary and historical contexts. The advantages of digital organisation lie in the synoptic linkage of texts with commentaries, sources and other material from across the different sections of the project. This will realise editorially the idea of a ‘single, complete oeuvre’, which was essential to Johnson’s work.

Our Team

Project Director / Director of the Working Group
Prof. Dr. Holger Helbig

Deputy Project Director / Director of the Working Group
Dr. Katja Leuchtenberger

Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Henny-Krahmer

Administrative Processing
Martina Paethke

Research Associates
Dr. Yvonne Dudzik
Fabian Kaßner
Dr. André Kischel

Former Team Members

Dr. Cornelia Bögel, departments ›Werke‹ and ›Schriften‹, from 10/2014 to 02/2017

Lisa Kobel, department ›Briefe‹, from 09/2017 to 09/2019

Denise Naue, department ›Briefe‹, from 10/2019 to 12/2023

Uva Piterane, administrative processing, from 10/2014 to 01/2016

Dr. Christian Riedel, departments ›Werke‹ and ›Schriften‹, from 06/2017 to 08/2021


"Uwe Johnson-Werkausgabe"
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

Tel.: +49 381 498 2549
E-Mail: johnson-werkausgabeuni-rostockde