Esther-Marie Schilling

Lecturer in North American Literature and Culture

Advisor for the Master's course "Culture, Ecology, Change"


Room 8009

August-Bebel-Straße 28


Tel.: +49 (0)381 498-2584

Fax: +49 (0)381 498-2594

Office hours lecture-free period SS 2024

05.08.2024 from 09.00 - 11.00 o'clock

27.08.2024 from 09.00 - 11.00 o'clock

and by appointment via Email

(Please note that changes to office hours will be announced under the menu item "News")

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


since 2023
research assistant, Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, University of Rostock
PhD project: “Anglophone Literatures in Crisis Mode”

2018 –  2023
1. Staatsexamen (English/Chemistry), University of Rostock
Final Thesis: “The Language of Brexit Literature: Narrating a Social and Political Landslide”

Abitur (A-Levels)


2023 – leading student assistant DGfA Conference “America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee”, University of Rostock

2021 – leading student assistant “Metaphora 2021: Übergänge ins Universitätsleben”, University of Rostock

2020 – Online Materials Developer “English Resource Pool”, University of Rostock

Research Interests

Research Interests

  • literary representations of contemporary anxieties (climate change, political extremism, xenophobia)
  • ecocriticism and postcolonialism
  • gender studies, feminist criticism, ecofeminism
  • speculative fiction


WS 2024/25
Proseminar: 1925 Across the Atlantic: The Great Gatsby and Mrs. Dalloway
Proseminar: "The Future is Feminist"?: Women, Motherhood, and Reproductive Rights in Contemporary Speculative Fiction

SS 2024
Proseminar: (American) Musical Politics

WS 2023/24
Proseminar: In 3 Genres around the World’s Crises