Final Theses

Assigned topics for Bachelor theses (examples)
  • Estimation aspects of logistic regression using the example of the influence of study characteristics on the probability of occurrence of depression
  • Estimation of the divorce rate from geometrically distributed and interval-censored marriage durations
  • The influence of household characteristics on ALG 2 receipt: The logistic regression
  • Environmental, social and governance costs as a covariate of financial performance in the fashion industry
  • Statistical Analysis of a Game Element in Volleyball - Application of Non-Parametric Test Procedures to Data from the 1st Bundesliga in the 2017/2018 Season
  • How often are news repeated? Fitting the geometric distribution
  • Calculation of the standard error in the logistic regression: Application to the effect of the author count on the visibility of a scientific paper
  • Modelling the duration of marriages in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania with the exponential distribution
  • How often are news repeated? Fitting the geometric distribution
  • Calculation of the standard error in the logistic regression: Application to the effect of the author count on the visibility of a scientific paper
  • Modelling the duration of marriages in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania with the exponential distribution
  • Consequences of stratified sampling - a case study for data with age-stratification
  • Statistical Validation of Distribution Assumptions in Duration context for the example of dementia
  • Affinity for organic products with and without stimulus: The two-sample t-Test
  • Regressors for the milk price
  • An Analysis of Exchange Rates Using Time Series Methods
  • A Regression Analysis of Cycling Tours in Rostock
  • Analysis of Variance for the sojourn in Mecklenburg´s hospitals: One-way layout with factor hospital
  • Covariates of Youth Unemployment
  • Smoothing Methods for Time Series Data für Describing Historical Gold Prices
  • An Analysis of Variance with a multi-staged Faktor on the Oral Health of School
  • Does Open Access to a Scientific Article Increase its Impact? - A Two-Sample Test for the Duration Until First Citation
  • An Application of the Method of Moments to the Estimation of Survival Times Subject to Censoring
  • Descriptive Statistics for Initial Public Offerings in Digital Currency (ICO)
Assigned topics for Master theses (examples)

Assigned topics for Master theses (examples)

  • Double truncation with dichotomous covariate
  • Robustness and standard error as criteria for the comparison of maximum likelihood estimation and aposterior median
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Proportion from a Cluster Sample
  • Left-censored discrete durations and the EM algorithm
  • The Rent Duration of Cooperative Apartments: A Survival
  • Bayesian Analysis of Company Lifetimes with the Metropolis Algorithm