Head of the German Dep.

Head of the German Dep.

Heide-Marlen Tiedje

E-mail: heide-marlen.tiedje(at)uni-rostock.de

Tel: +49 (0)381-498 55 51

Office: Ulmenstraße 69, Haus 1, R 405


Contact: Mr Stephan Schulz

Contact: Mr Stephan Schulz

Contact for all questions regarding registering for German course: Stephan Schulz

E-mail: stephan.schulz(at)uni-rostock.de

Tel: +49(0)381- 498 5555

Office: Ulmenstr. 69, house 1, room 402

Office hours:

Tuesday 10-12am and 2 - 4pm

Thursday 10-12am and 2-4pm



Next courses

Courses in the winter term 2024/25

  • Course programme 
  • Level: A1.1 to C1.1
  • Enrolment for winter semester will open on September 23

Important Information: Please note that the exams for the online courses will take place in the premisis of the university. There will be no online-exams. 

General Information

Next intensive course for refugees at Study in Germany e.V.

Next intensive course for refugees at Study in Germany e.V.

Exams and certificates