Regulare and intensive courses

Our regular courses are part of the study programme. They take place during the semester.

Please note that the offer for intensive courses varies. 

Current programme for the winter semester 2024/25

Registration for regular courses: from September 23, 9 a.m., online.

Important Information: Please note that the exams for the online courses will take place in the premisis of the university. There will be no online-exams. 


Course fees

What are the course fees?

What are the course fees?

A 4 SWS-course (= 2x90 min per week) costs 40 € per semester for students and Phd-students.

Course fees for students and Phd-students you can find in our current

<link file:322231 file-link internen>course program.

Employees of the University and guest scientists have to pay the double amount.

How can you pay the course fees?

How can you pay the course fees?

Bank order:

After the online-registration, you'll receive all information regarding course fees and bank transfer in an e-mail. Please transfer the money within 10 working days to the bank account provided.

Course description

Basic level

German A1.1

German A1.1

  • prerequisites: placement test 1, test score 0 – 45 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credite points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every semester

module description

German A1.2

German A1.2

  • prerequisites: completion of A1.1 or placement test 1, test score 46 - 90 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every semester

module description

German A2.1

German A2.1

  • prerequisites: completion of A1.2 or placement test 1, test score 91 - 135 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every semester

module description

German A2.2

German A2.2

  • prerequisites: completion of A2.1 or placement test 1, test score 136 - 180 points.
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every semester

module description

Intermediate level

German B1.1

German B1.1

  • prerequisites:completion of A2.2 or placement test 1, test score 181 - 225 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every semester

module description (in German only)

German B1.2

German B1.2

  • prerequisites: completion of B1.1 or placement test 2, test score 45 - 54 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every semester

module description (in German only)

German B2.1

German B2.1

  • prerequisites: completion of B1.2 or placement test 2, test score 55 - 64 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every semester 

module description (in German only)

German B2.2

German B2.2

General Academic German

  • prerequisites: completion of B2.1 or placement test 2, test score 65 - 74 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)and oral exam (15 min)
  • when: every winter semester

module description (in German only)

Advanced level

German C1.1

German C1.1

General Academic German

  • prerequisites: completion of B2.2.2 or placement test 2, test score 75 - 100 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every winter semester

module description (in German only)

German C1.2

German C1.2

General Academic German

  • prerequisites: completion of C1.1 or placement test 2, test score 75 - 100 points
  • course hours: 2 x 90 min per week (4 SWS)
  • credit points/ECTS: 6
  • exam: written exam (90 min)
  • when: every summer semester

module description (in German only)

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend a German course?

Who can attend a German course?

  • all foreign students that persue a Bacherlor- or Mastersdegree at the University of Rostock
  • all foreign students that study for one or two semesters at the University of Rostock (ERASMUS-students, freemover)
  • foreign PhD-students and employees
  • foreign employees of adjunct Institutes (Max-Planck-Institut, LIKAT, IOW ...)
I am not a student of the University of Rostock. Can I still attend a course?

I am not a student of the University of Rostock. Can I still attend a course?

• Generally, our courses are open only for students an employees of the University of Rostock. 

• If there are free places available, we accept guest auditors. In that case, please contact the Office for Student Affairs. (Mr Schulz, room 402)

What do I have to do, if I want to register for a German course?

What do I have to do, if I want to register for a German course?

  • Take the placement test.
  • Choose a course matching your test score. 
  • Register online in our registration programm for the course. (CSE-, EE-, physics-Masterstudents need to fill out a form for pre-registration, if they want to register for a mandatory course.)
  • further information for registration
How much do I have to pay?

How much do I have to pay?

  • A course of 4 SWS (2 x 90 min per week) costs 40 € (students and PhD-students) or 80 € (for employees) per semester.
  • The placement test and the module exams are free of charge.
I have already got a B1-certificate, but I need C1 in order to study at a German university. Do you offer a matching course in the Language Centre?

I have already got a B1-certificate, but I need C1 in order to study at a German university. Do you offer a matching course in the Language Centre?

  • In order to develope you language skills from level B1 to C1, you need an intensive German course of at least 4 to 6 months with around 20 hours per week of language instruction.
  • Unfortunately, we do not offer those courses (except for refugees, who want to study at Rostock University).
  • Our regulare courses take place twice per week for 90 min. If you attend our regulare courses, it would take you several semester to reach the desired C1 level.
  • For intensive German courses, you can contact the organisation: Verein Study-in Germany e.V. .
My foreign friend wants to study in Germany and would like to learn German in Rostock. He/she has no previous knowledge of the German Language. What can he/she do?

My foreign friend wants to study in Germany and would like to learn German in Rostock. He/she has no previous knowledge of the German Language. What can he/she do?

Please contact the organisation Study-in Germany e.V. or any other language school.

I need to apply for a visa for Germany. For that I need proof, that I can take part in a German course. When and where can I get this confirmation?

I need to apply for a visa for Germany. For that I need proof, that I can take part in a German course. When and where can I get this confirmation?

In order to apply for a visa, you probably need to proove that you plan to take a German course of at least 20 hours per week. Unfortunately, we do not offer such courses. Therefore, we can not issue any confirmation for you visa application.