Henni-Lisette Busch

Research Associate at the Uwe Johnson Professorship for 20th Century Modern German Literature


As a research associate under Professor Holger Helbig, I am dedicated to research and teaching in the field of 20th-century modern German literary studies. My interests encompass both prose and poetry.

Since my studies, I have been grappling with the question of what German Studies, as a discipline, can achieve in an increasingly complex world marked by crises. Reading, analyzing, and interpreting an epic text or a poem is, for me, not just an isolated pursuit in an ivory tower but rather a way to understand and trace the unfolding of history. Texts and poems contribute to our lived reality and provide meaning – reading literature also carries a societal and political dimension. Therefore, it seems meaningful not only as a literary scholar but also to venture into contemporary literature and examine it through similar methodologies.


  • Von Zeit zu Zeit ediert man alles noch einmal. Erste Überlegungen zur Edition der Jahrestage in der Rostocker-Ausgabe, in: Johnson-Jahrbuch 29, 2024, pp. 153–167 (together with Hanna Bott and Magdalena Victoria Höft).
  • Von einem, der umzog, um Schriftsteller zu sein. Tagungsbericht zu: »Einmal in Westdeutschland möchte ich ungern gleich zurückreisen«. Uwe Johnson und die alte Bundesrepublik, 6. Internationale Uwe Johnson-Tagung online, 11.-12. Juni 2021, in: Johnson-Jahrbuch 28, 2021, pp. 283–300 (together with Henrike Kühn).
  • »Ich aber, siehst du, bin ein Leser dieses Buches, auf der Seite des Buches«. Lesen, wie Uwe Johnson den Montauk-Brief schreibt, in: Johnson-Jahrbuch 28, 2021, pp. 231–252.


  • 04/2023: Research Associate at the Uwe Johnson Professorship
  • 03/2023: Master of Arts in German Studies with a focus on Literary Studies
  • 08/2022: Fellow of the Rostock Marbach Scholarship
  • 10/2020: Bachelor of Arts in German Studies (major) and Sociology (minor)

Currently, I teach two advanced courses in Modern German Literature every semester.

Henni-Lisette Busch

Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus, Room 01
18057 Rostock

Tel.: +49 381 498 2552
E-Mail: henni-lisette.busch2uni-rostockde

Consultation Hour

Please feel free to contact me by email at any time. Appointments can be made in presence or online.