Prof. Dr. Peter Huy

Prof. Dr. Peter Huy graduated with a diploma in chemistry from Cologne University in 2006, where he also completed his Ph.D. thesis about the synthesis of peptide mimetics in the laboratories of Prof. H.-G. Schmalz in 2010. After working there as a lecturer in organic chemistry, he moved as a DAAD fellow to the Aalto University in Helsinki in 2011 to conduct his first postdoc with Prof. A. Koskinen focusing on the synthesis of bioactive heterocycles. Afterwards, he returned to the research group of Prof. H.-G. Schmalz. After a short second postdoctoral stay in the group of Prof. B. List at the Max Planck institute for carbon research in Mülheim an der Ruhr, in 2013 he started his independent career at the Saarland University as a Liebig fellow in 2014. In 2019 he additionally taught as a deputy professor at the University of Heidelberg. In 2020 he joined the Institute for Chemistry at Rostock University as an associate professor (W2). His research interests are centered on the development of novel catalytic methods especially for SN2-reactions and their application in the synthesis of bioactive compounds. A recent Author Interview with Prof. Huy is available atChemCatChem.

ResearcherID N-8804-2018
Scopus ( Author ID: 36546210800
YouTube ( @peterhuylab

Curriculum Vitae

since 10.2020 Associate Professor (W2) for Organic Chemistry, Rostock University
07-09.2020 Research group Leader, Rostock University
04-07.2019 Deputy Professor, Heidelberg University
02.2014-06.2020 Independent research group leader (Habilitand), Saarland University
10.2013-01.2014 Postdoctoral research fellow in the group of Prof. Kazmaier, Saarland University
04.2013-08.2013 Postdoctoral research fellow in the group of Prof. List, Max-Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr
10.2012-03.2013 Postdoctoral research fellow in the group of Prof. Schmalz, University of Cologne
08.2011-09.2012 Postdoctoral research fellow in the group of Prof. Koskinen, Aalto University, Helsinki
10.2010-06.2011 Lecturer in Organic Chemistry at the University of Cologne
11.2006-07.2010 PhD-thesis in organic chemistry in the group of Prof. Schmalz at the University of Cologne, “summa cum laude” (with distinction)
10.2001-06.2006 Studies of Chemistry (diploma, with distinction), University of Cologne

Awards and Financial Support

01.2016 Thieme Chemistry Jounals Award
02.2014-09.2019 Liebig fellowship of the Fonds of the chemical Industry
07.2011-09.2012 Postdoctoral research fellowship from the DAAD (German academic exchange service)
07.2011 Kurt-Alder Price for PhD-thesis, University in Cologne 2011
02.2007-02.2009 Chemie Fonds fellowship of the Fonds the chemical Industry