
Upgrading residual biomass by microbial functional enrichment – new approaches for the production of recycling fertilizers

The aim of this project is the utilization and valorization of organic residues by a microbial functional enrichment and the development of innovative recycling products for application as biobased fertilizer and soil improver.

The main activities of this project aim to cooperation between the project partners with regards to an ecological intensification in agriculture.

Project duration

01.05.2023 - 30.04.2025


Federal Ministry of Education and Research /
DLR Project Management Agency, European and International Cooperation Division

Project lead

Prof. Dr. Bettina Eichler-Löbermann, Agronomy, University of Rostock (UROS)

Project Partner

Project Partner in Germany

Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops,
Dr. Silke Ruppel

Technical University of Munich (TUM),
Prof. Michael Schloter

Project Parnter in Colombia

Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation, AGROSAVIA (AGRO),
Dr. Martha Isabel Gómez, Dr. Fredy Mauricio Cruz, Dr. Germán Estrada und Dr. Carol Amaya