
Boosting aquaculture technology development in the South Baltic area

Project duration: July 2016 to June 2019

The problem

The European Commission on the Blue Growth Agenda has identified aquaculture as one of the most promising sectors for economic growth and job creation. This sector also has a great potential for innovation in sustainable production technologies.

In the South Baltic region, however, the aquaculture sector is currently only weakly developed in spite of its great potential. In particular, there is a lack of innovative, sustainable production technologies.

The approach

Therefore the InnoAquaTech project aims to promote the development, as well as the transfer of modern production technologies such as recirculation systems (RAS), innovative combinations with plant production (aquaponics) and regenerative energy supply (for example with geothermal energy) in the South-Baltic region.

Partners involved

The InnoAquaTech consortium consists of partners from Denmark, Germany, Poland and Lithuania. A list and brief description of the participants can be found here:


The methodology

The InnoAquaTech partners have already established scientific and economic know-how in the previous INTERREG projects AQUAFIMA and SUBMARINER.

This know-how is now to be shared with each other and made publicly usable in order to advance RAS systems and other innovative production processes for modern aquaculture.

Building a network of stakeholders

Within the scope of the InnoAquaTech project the knowledge transfer in the South Baltic region is promoted through various events:

  • Matchmaking events
  • Trainings
  • Study visits

Pilot plants

In addition, innovative aquaculture technologies are being further developed in the framework of InnoAquaTech in four pilot plants.

  • Denmark - fish and microalgae production under controlled conditions
  • Germany - Combined production of warm water fish species and plants for human consumption in the "FischGlasHaus"
  • Poland - Shrimp production in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS)
  • Lithuania - shrimp growth combined with geothermal energy supply in the "Zero emission RAS system"

Decision Support Tool

To make the results of the project applicable for end-users, the findings will be used for the development of a web-based decision support tool. Through this tool, stakeholders will be able to interactively discover which technologies are suitable for which production systems and what their advantages and disadvantages are with regard to both economic and environmental aspects. This tool will be available on the website of the project (

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