Publications of the professorship for Aquaculture and Sea Ranching 2017

  • Knaus, U.; Palm, H.W. 2017: Effects of fish biology on ebb and flow aquaponical cultured herbs in northern Germany (Mecklenburg Western Pomerania). In: Aquaculture. 466 2017, S. 51 - 63.
  • Knaus, U.; Palm, H.W. 2017: Effects of the fish species choice on vegetables in aquaponics under spring-summer conditions in northern Germany (Mecklenburg Western Pomerania). In: Aquaculture. 473 2017, S. 62 - 73.
  • Unger, P.; Palm, H.W. 2017: Parasite risk of maricultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) in the Western Baltic Sea, Germany. In: Aquaculture International.