Publications of the Professorship Behavioural Sciences in 2011

  • Düpjan S, Schön PC, Tuchscherer A, Langbein J, Manteuffel G & Puppe B (2011): Behavioural and cardiac responses towards conspecific distress calls in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa). Physiology & Behavior 103:445–452
  • Düpjan S, Schön PC & Puppe B (2011): Wie wird das Wohlbefinden gemessen. Fleischwirtschaft 91:14–16
  • Kanitz E, Otten W, Hameister T, Tuchscherer M, Puppe B & Tuchscherer A (2011): Age-related changes in corticosteroid receptor expression and monoamine neurotransmitter concentrations in various brain regions of postnatal pigs. Journal of Neuroscience Research 89:1134–1141
  • Rödel, HG & Meyer S (2011): Early development influences ontogeny of personality types in young laboratory rats. Developmental Psychobiology 53:601–613
  • Siebert K, Langbein J, Schön PC, Tuchscherer A & Puppe B (2011): Degree of social isolation affects behavioural and vocal response patterns in dwarf goats (Capra hircus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 131:52–63
  • Stukenborg A, Traulsen I, Puppe B, Presuhn U & Krieter J (2011): Agonistic behaviour after mixing in pigs under commercial farm conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 129:28–35
  • Zebunke M, Langbein J, Manteuffel G & Puppe B (2011): Autonomic reactions indicating positive affect during acoustic reward learning in domestic pigs. Animal Behaviour 81:481–489