Publications of the Professorship Behavioural Sciences in 2012

  • Albrecht AK; Grosse Beilage E, Kanitz E, Puppe B, Traulsen I & Krieter J (2012): Influence of immunisation against GnRH on agonistic and mounting behaviour, serum testosterone concentration on body weight in male pigs compared with boars and barrows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 138:28–35
  • Meyer S, Nürnberg G, Puppe B & Langbein J (2012): The cognitive abilities of farm animals: categorisation learning in dwarf goats (Capra hircus). Animal Cognition 15:567–576
  • Puppe B, Zebunke M, Düpjan S & Langbein J (2012): Kognitiv-emotionale Umweltbewältigung beim Hausschwein-Herausforderung für Tierhaltung und Tierschutz. Züchtungskunde 84:307–319
  • Stukenborg A, Traulsen I, Stamer E, Puppe B, Presuhn U & Krieter J (2012): Heritabilities of agonistic behavioural traits in pigs and their relationships within and between different age groups. Livestock Science 149:25–32
  • Stukenborg A, Traulsen I, Stamer E, Puppe B & Krieter J (2012): The use of a lesion score as an indicator for agonistic behaviour in pigs. Archiv für Tierzucht 55:163–170