Publications of the Professorship Behavioural Sciences in 2016

  • Düpjan S & Puppe B (2016): Abnormales Verhalten mit dem Schwerpunkt Stereotypien – Indikatoren für Leiden und beeinträchtigtes Wohlbefinden. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 129:93–102
  • Finkemeier MA, Trillmich F & Guenther A (2016): Match−Mismatch experiments using photoperiod expose developmental plasticity of personality traits. Ethology 122:80–93
  • Kanitz E, Hameister T, Tuchscherer A, Tuchscherer M & Puppe B (2016): Social support modulates stress-related gene expression in various brain regions of piglets. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 10:227
  • Krause A, Zebunke M, Bellmann O, Mohr E, Langbein J & Puppe B (2016): Surgical implantation und functional assessment of an invasive telemetric system to measure autonomic responses in domestic pigs. The Veterinary Journal 207:140–146
  • Leliveld LMC, Düpjan S, Tuchscherer A & Puppe B (2016): Behavioural and physiological measures indicate subtle variations in the emotional valence of young pigs. Physiology & Behavior 157:116–124
  • Oesterwind S, Nürnberg G, Puppe B & Langbein J (2016): Impact of structural and cognitive enrichment on the learning performance, behaviour and physiology of dwarf goats (Capra hircus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 177:34–41
  • Tuchscherer M, Kanitz E, Tuchscherer A & Puppe B (2016): Effects of social support on lymphocyte glucocorticoid sensitivity in socially deprived piglets. Stress 19:325–332