Publications of the Professorship Behavioural Sciences in 2018

  • Cauchoix M, Chow PKY, van Horik JO, Atance CM, Barbeau EJ, Barragan-Jason G, Bize P, Boussard A, Buechel SD, Cabirol A, Cauchard L, Claidière N, Dalesman S, Devaud JM, Didic M, Doligez B, Fagot J, Fichtel C, Henke-von der Malsburg J, Hermer E, Huber L, Huebner F, Kappeler PM, Klein S, Langbein J, Langley EJG, Lea SEG, Lihoreau M, Lovlie H, Matzel LD, Nakagawa S, Nawroth C, Oesterwind S, Sauce B, Smith EA, Sorato E, Tebbich S, Wallis LJ, Whiteside MA, Wilinson A, Chaine AS, Morand-Ferron J (2018): The repeatability of cognitive performance: a meta-analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373:20170281
  • Finkemeier MA, Langbein J & Puppe B (2018): Personality research in mammalian farm animals: Concepts, measures, and relationship to welfare. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5:131
  • Goursot C, Düpjan S, Tuchscherer A, Puppe B & Leliveld LMC (2018): Behavioural lateralization in domestic pigs (Sus Scrofa) − variations between motor functions and individuals. Laterality 23:576–598
  • Kalbe C, Zebunke M, Lösel D, Brendle J, Hoy S & Puppe B (2018): Voluntary locomotor activity promotes myogenic growth potential in domestic pigs. Scientific Reports 8:2533
  • Nawroth C, Langbein J & Puppe B (2018): Swine cognition. In: Vonk J & Shackelford TK (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer, Cham:
  • Röttgen V, Becker F, Tuchscherer A, Wrenzycki C, Düpjan S, Schön PC & Puppe B (2018): Vocalization as indicator of estrus climax in Holstein heifers during natural estrus and superovulation. Journal of Dairy Science 101:2383–2394
  • Tuchscherer M, Puppe B, Tuchscherer A & Kanitz E (2018): Psychosocial stress sensitizes neuroendocrine and inflammatory responses to Escherichia coli challenge in domestic piglets. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 68:274–287
  • Zebunke M, Kreiser M, Melzer N, Langbein J & Puppe B (2018): Better, not just more ― Contrast in qualitative aspects of reward facilitates impulse control in pigs. Frontiers in Psychology 9:2099