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First samplings in OptiMoor (Foto: Nele Jantz)
Photo: Nele Jantz


Optimization of the restoration of agriculturally used bogs in terms of biodiversity and carbonstorage“ 

Cycle: 01.09.2016 - 30.06.2021


Responsible: Dr. Vytas Huth, Dr. Gerald Jurasinski


The project aims at developing a restoration manual for agriculturally used bog sites. Seven different rewetting treatments are tested in a semi-field trial (~ 1 ha) to compare the respective development in terms of biodiversity and carbon storage. In some of the tested treatments the uppermost mineralized peat layer is removed prior to rewetting. Furthermore, living Sphagnum mosses are spread on some treatments to initiate a positive vegetation development.

The scientific monitoring is coordinated by the department of Landscape Ecology at the University of Rostock, while the construction and maintenance of the field treatments is supervised by the European Competence Centre for Moor and Climate (ECCMC)

During the project runtime all treatments are monitored regarding vegetation development, nutrient concentrations, micro relief, hydrology and greenhouse gas emissions.